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Comforting Hands

Silver Threads Foundation
A 501(c)(3) Organization
Empowering Lives One Thread at a Time


“Oftentimes there’s a belief that it’s a normal part of aging for people to feel bad, or to go through loss, or to have lots of death and grief, and to just not recover from their depression, when in truth it’s very recoverable and it’s something we should be targeting.” - Dr. Julie Rickard

Let's break the stigma and start the conversation about mental health. Together, we can make a difference in our older community.


Get to Know Us

Our founder, Kelley Kidd, lost her older brother, Eric, to suicide when he was 63. This loss was the catalyst to keep his story alive and work tirelessly to help combat loneliness in our seniors, work to bring mental health into the light, and break the silence on elderly suicide. Our hope is to work within our communities to bring education and awareness, work with healthcare providers to provide better screening and follow-up to high risk individuals and stop suicide in our older population. We believe it takes a village and encourage you to become involved in helping to break the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health concerns with our seniors.  We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and we can be the charitable foundation we have dreamed of. Your donations are tax-deductible!

Meet the Team

Senior Book Club


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Our Services


Support Groups

We are looking to link up with some local support groups. In the meantime, you can check this out for some in your area:  Find a support group | AFSP



We will be offering speaking engagements soon to help bring awareness and education into our community. Get in touch if you are interested!


Gatekeeper Program

We will soon be offering custom programs and training for our area physician groups to assist in prevention and treatment.

If you are a physician office, reach out for more information!

Real Stories

Are you interested in writing a blog post for Silver Threads Foundation? We would love to share your story. Contact us today!
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